Time to read: 4 min
Symbol | Geometric Characteristic | Description | Typical Use Case | Integration in CAD | Inspection Notes |
⏤ | Flatness | Ensures a surface is uniformly flat within the specified tolerance. | Critical for sealing surfaces or bearing fits. | Applied using surface tools for flatness analysis. | Checked with a surface plate and gauge. |
⊥ | Perpendicularity | Ensures a surface or feature is at 90° to a datum. | Used for aligning holes or surfaces in assemblies. | Ensures perpendicularity through datum alignment in CAD. | Measured with a square or CMM. |
// | Parallelism | Ensures a surface or feature is parallel to a datum. | Ensures parallel alignment of mating surfaces. | Checked by setting parallel planes in CAD models. | Checked with a surface plate and gauge blocks. |
○ | Circularity | Ensures all points on a circular feature are equidistant from the center. | Applied to shafts, bores, or cylindrical parts. | Analyzed using roundness measurement tools in CAD. | Checked with a roundness measuring tool. |
∅ | Cylindricity | Ensures a feature is both round and straight along its length. | Important for shafts and cylindrical components. | Modeled with precise cylindrical constraints. | Checked with a roundness/cylindricity gauge. |
⌒ | Profile of a Line | Controls the contour of a line element in a cross-section. | Used for controlling the profile of gears or blades. | Designed using line profiling and cross-sectional tools. | Measured using an optical comparator or profilometer. |
~⌒~ | Profile of a Surface | Controls the shape, size, and form of a surface. | Used for aerodynamic or freeform surfaces. | Generated with surface profiling features in CAD. | Measured using a profilometer or CMM. |
Ø⏤ | Position | Specifies the allowable deviation of a feature’s location. | Used for hole placements and ensuring assembly alignment. | Defined using positional constraints in CAD software. | Inspected using a CMM or optical comparator. |
↕ | Concentricity | Ensures features share the same axis or center. | Ensures the alignment of coaxial holes or shafts. | Checked using axis alignment tools in CAD models. | Checked with a dial indicator or CMM. |
∠ | Angularity | Ensures a feature is at a specific angle relative to a datum. | Used for angled features such as chamfers or inclined planes. | Defined by angular constraints and visual inspection tools. | Measured using an angle gauge or sine bar. |
↔ | Symmetry | Ensures balanced dimensions or features about a centerline. | Ensures balanced features such as grooves or keyways. | Balanced via symmetrical constraints in CAD. | Inspected using a comparator or CMM. |
⚭ | Runout | Controls surface variation on a rotating part. | Applied to rotating parts such as pulleys or gears. | Simulated with rotational axis checks in CAD tools. | Checked with a dial indicator during rotation. |
⚯ | Total Runout | Controls variation across an entire surface of a rotating part. | Ensures total surface accuracy for rotating components. | Modeled using surface accuracy constraints. | Measured using a CMM or advanced runout gauge. |