Time to read: 1 min
Last year we created and shared our first Fictiv State of Hardware Survey with our community of engineers and designers. Your responses culminated in our inaugural 2016 State of Hardware Report, where we shared information on:
- How much time you allocate to build a functional prototype
- Most popular CAD software programs
- Top-of-mind challenges in bringing a successful product to market
- Development functions you keep in-house vs outsourced

This year, we’re digging deeper into the questions mechanical engineers and industrial designers care most about, to help you deepen your understanding of your field, career, and industry. The 2017 State of Hardware survey seeks to gather collective knowledge on:
- The most useful tools and resources you rely on to learn new things
- The most important practical skills that impact your job
- Criteria you use to make key decisions
- How you spend your time and what you care most about
As a thank you for contributing to the survey, we’ll send you a free CNC Periodic Table of Elements poster in return*
Also note that we take privacy very seriously at Fictiv and will never sell your information for any reason.
Take the 2017 State of Hardware Survey.
*We’re a small company so we can only ship to the US. If you’re outside of the US, we’ll send you a free high-res image to download. 🙂