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Power Racing Series Build Part 2

We spent several weeks working with Mindtribe to build a $500 electric car to race at the Power Racing Series at Maker Faire, using the base of a Power Wheels Lambo. The Power Racing Series is this amazing event where adults-who-still-want-to-be-kids dress up in crazy outfits and race their souped-up Power Wheels cars for moxie […]


Power Racing Series Build Part 1

Before the 2016 Bay Area Maker Faire, my inner-child set out on a goal to re-live the freedom I felt when I got my first car—a 25lb plastic, electric blue, Power Wheels Jeep. Those of you who have attended the Bay Area Maker Faire may have seen the awesome PPPRS races. PPPRS stands for Pow-Pow […]


Fictiv Company Values

At Fictiv, we believe there is a right way to build a healthy company and the first step for us is to create a foundation of values that all team members share and uphold in words, thoughts and actions. By creating this shared understanding, we know how to treat each other and also everyone we […]


Using the On Track/Off Track Framework to Drive Results

On track/off track is a “get stuff done” framework shared with us by business coach Kate Purmal, to help us drive projects end-to-end and focus on sharing results-based updates. Meeting fatigue infects many companies, stealing valuable time and status meetings are especially ineffective when people spend too much time reporting activities (“Last week, I worked […]


7 Awesome Toys to Inspire Little Makers and Engineers

Well designed toys can have a major impact on a child’s creative and intellectual development. Lots of engineers I speak with have serious nostalgia around LEGOs (some still build LEGOs today) and fondly consider that toy a launching point for their passion and love of building things today. So to inspire the littlest makers and […]


Women in Hardware Panel: Prototyping Best Practices [VIDEO]

Earlier this month, we had the pleasure of hosting Women in Hardware at our space for an inspiring panel on prototyping best practices. Women in Hardware is a fantastic organization that aims to connect the female founders, engineers, investors, manufacturers, and marketers who are building the future of connected hardware. Women in Hardware is comprised […]

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